thanks- on the gender, did you use the Gender and livelihoods indicator document?
]]>P.S. Hope the USAID hunger index is the one called FANTA 😉
]]>Thanks Mark – please do!
]]>Ah indeed missed this one up to now. Yep, can send out info next week. Next week in guatamala we’ll test the ODK version of modular survey with now a series of indicators, not just the rapid food security indicator we discussed in Nbo. We combine now a series of ‘standard’ and documented approaches to quantify overall farm performance from different perspectives (so food availability, gender control on benefits, a hunger index developed by usaid, the progress out of poverty index, and a simplistic tier 1 emission estimate). Just need to clean it a bit still but we are now down to the details (need to remove the question ‘how much wool do you eat?’…). So indeed want to share this asap with you and Carlos, and everyone else interested!
]]>exactly… and we used to say the same for gender! we need to have a go and start!
]]>Hmm, why so Barry? the idea is to look at the various dimensions of sustainability (not only climate related) and other actors