Comments on: Exploring gender perceptions of livestock ownership Fri, 21 Jul 2017 07:26:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alessandra Galie Thu, 14 May 2015 08:09:20 +0000 Thanks all for your comments. I was very happy to see that most people found the paper useful for their work. I, and the other authors that worked on the article, will be happy to support you in utilizing the findings in your research. It was also great that two suggestions to move the paper forward came up: 1. one is to engage with participant observation and more in-depth discussions to assess how livestock management, decision-making and benefit-sharing are done in real life. 2. the second suggestion is to address the question ”how is the vague nature of OL used in various context to perpetuate gender inequity and how, on the contrary, this very vagueness provides spaces for contestation?’. Finally, I just received an email from the journal (which is open source) informing us that the paper was accessed 2871 time since publication in January 15. This excludes downloads from archive sites. I think this shows the interest in the issue of ownership.

By: Alessandra Galie Thu, 14 May 2015 08:01:06 +0000 In reply to Imma.

Thanks Imma, the two approaches need to be combined indeed. Participant observation coupled by more in-depth discussions on power dynamics affecting management, decision-making and benefit sharing can be the next step of this research.

By: Todd Crane Thu, 14 May 2015 07:54:01 +0000 In reply to Imma.

While neither is without its weaknesses, I suspect that power dynamics will be more visible in observation of practice than in interviews. It will definitely permit more nuanced follow up questions. In any case, triangulating between observed and reported practices will provide a much clearer and more accurate picture.

By: Alessandra Galie Thu, 14 May 2015 07:31:09 +0000 In reply to sikhalazo.

Thank you Sikhalazo for you insightful comment. Our study just started exploring the issue of ownership and indeed there is more work that is needed. Very interesting also to read ‘ It is in the cloudiness and vagueness that status quo and marginalization of a segment of the population participating in livestock sector, especially women, is perpetuated’. I have argued above that it is in the vagueness of concepts and arrangements of ownership of livestock that spaces for new and more gender-equal practices can be found. This very issue might need to be explored by us next; a research question could be: ‘how is the vague nature of OL used in various context to perpetuate gender inequity and how, on the contrary, this very vagueness provides spaces for contestation?

By: Alessandra Galie Thu, 14 May 2015 07:20:54 +0000 In reply to Amos Omore.

Thanks Amos. I am indeed very exciting about being involved in the vibrant Tanzania value chain. I am also looking forward to implementing some of our transformative approached through social media (when we find the funding) and empowerment work (starting next month with connecting empowerment and nutrition). Thanks for your support that is essential.

By: Alessandra Galie Thu, 14 May 2015 07:18:03 +0000 In reply to Jane Poole.

Great. I look forward to discussing this.

By: sikhalazo Wed, 13 May 2015 19:33:20 +0000 Hi Alessandra!
Interesting article thank you very much. The issue of ownership is important for enhancing household food and nutrient security. The findings of the research that reflect vagueness of the understanding of ownership should not distract gender researchers from the pursuit of better understanding of ownership issues. It is in the cloudiness and vagueness that status quo and marginalization of a segment of the population participating in livestock sector, especially women, is perpetuated. Instruments of data capture that are robust and allow for deeper engagement with ownership should be designed; I am impressed that already you are looking at perspective we need to look beyond perspective and capture the realities of OL structures in different communities, in the context of cultures. Gender integrated program/project design allows for this.

Keep up the good work

By: Imma Wed, 13 May 2015 19:28:02 +0000 In reply to Alessandra Galie.

Hi Alessandra, I concur with you regarding the possibility of “invisible power dynamics affecting who takes decisions, how people take decisions etc” that may not be observable but rather discussed. The two approaches could be combined to give more in-depth evidence.

By: Amos Omore Wed, 13 May 2015 19:09:34 +0000 Alessandra – Good presentation for that work on ownership! Glad that you spend a significant part of your time working in Tanzania where gender is at the core of our goal of a more inclusive smallholder dairy value chain development. Looking forward to how we co-innovate for inclusive upgrading considering the other elements of inclusiveness to prove the concept that poor, marginalized communities can be targeted successfully

By: Jane Poole Wed, 13 May 2015 14:35:35 +0000 HI Ales, good presentation and good timing for me! We were just online with Anouka from KIT to discuss how we go about our L&F gender activity on methodology for gender analysis of household data on asset ownership (of which livestock is one!), market participation etc. I will read the paper now so we can try to incorporate the ideas into both how we collect gendered data in surveys (not just about disaggregation) and also how we analyse to actually capture gender asset ownership) rather than what we thought was ownership 😉 Thanks again….
