Overall objective: Understand how public policies on the one hand, and institutions and organizations created by market stakeholders on the other hand, affect the performance of domestic & international agri-food value chains.
Conducts research on value chains performance, upgrading, innovations, and competitiveness
Focus on livestock and livestock product value chains, and on the smallholder production systems.
Develop analytical and methodological tools to achieve a deeper understanding of value chains and-stakeholder agri-food systems
Through ReSAKSS (the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System), PTVC implements regional trade and integration policy analyses, engages with policy makers and contributes directly to the implementation of the CAADP agenda.
Link to ILRI strategy: Reducing poverty and improving food security at heart of ILRI
View the presentation and consider the following questions:
Is this good science? (Is it important; is it robust; is it relevant; is it in demand)
Does it help us reach ILRI strategic objectives?
science-based practices that achieve better lives through livestock
compelling scientific evidence persuasive for smarter policies and bigger investment
increased capacity to better use livestock science and investments for better lives through livestock.
AND does this give you any Ideas as to how to leverage work with other programs for a bigger effect?
Now: make your comments below. If you have an idea, remember to click on the IDEAS button