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ILRInet Yammer Group
Lucy Lapar
Lucy Lapar's details
- Country: Vietnam
- Region: South-East Asia
- Studies: Agricultural Economist
- University: ILRI
- Email:
- Lucy Lapar's presentations
Lucy Lapar is an agricultural economist based at the ILRI-Vietnam office. She holds a PhD in agricultural economics from Ohio State University. Her work focuses on supporting and enhancing decision-making processes and institutions for smallholder competitiveness and participation in livestock markets. Prior to joining ILRI, she was a postdoctoral scientist with the International Rice Research Institute, working in rice-based upland systems to investigate soil conservation adoption and impacts.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE:: Application of discrete choice models in livestock production, consumption and marketing :: Impact assessment of technology adoption :: Design and implementation of household surveys :: Agricultural economics
RESEARCH INTERESTS :: Factors determining choice decisions (in production, consumption and marketing) by households :: Assessing impacts of technology adoption :: Analysis of cost effectiveness of and willingness to pay for animal disease control strategies :: Institutions for smallholder competitiveness and market access :: Livestock policy
CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Improving competitiveness of smallholder pig producers in Vietnam Assessing impacts of sweet potato-based feeding technologies in smallholder pig production systems in Sichuan, China Cost-effectiveness analysis of control strategies for avian influenza in Indonesia Ecosystem approaches to better manage zoonotic emerging infectious diseases in Southeast Asia Smallholder pig systems and livelihoods in North East India
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