Polly Ericksen

    • Polly Ericksen's details
      • Country: Kenya
      • Region: East Africa
      • Studies: Programme Leader, Livestock Systems and Environment
      • University: ILRI
      • Email: p.ericksen@cgiar.org
    • Polly Ericksen's presentations

    Polly Ericksen is the Program Leader of the Livestock Systems and Environment program at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi, Kenya. Her research at ILRI includes adapting agri-food and livelihood systems to enhance both food security and key ecosystem services;  options for lessening the vulnerability of pastoral livelihoods; strategies for adaptation to climate change in livestock systems; and tools for planning under uncertainty.

    Polly holds a BA in history, and MSc in Economics, and a PhD in Soil Science.  Prior to joining ILRI in 2010, she worked for the ASB System-wide Programme of the CGIAR, Catholic Relief Services, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, and the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.

    She has worked extensively in Latin America, Africa and South Asia.