Thanks for all the comments – they are really helpful. Keep them coming. I am not going to respond top them all at the moment but will make some quick observations.
One comment is that the Science Strategy must be seen in the context of the other Critical Success Factors identifies in the overall ILRI Strategy. The Science Strategy deals with ‘Getting the science right’ but is/will be complemented by the strategies on the others. So it does not deal so comprehensively with influencing, or capacity development, for example.
I take the point that how the Science Strategy links the different objectives of the SRF, the ILRI Strategic Objectives etc. is not well enough articulated.
Several have commented on ‘how’ we do our science which is important. How we work, how we collaborate, with whom, when etc are important. The bid question is how do we bring about change? There is lots of work going on in the CRPs and elsewhere on theories of change and impact pathways and Susan has pointe us to some of the work by Patti Kristjanson. At the last IRMC meeting we agreed to set up a small group to review past experience in ILRI on innovation and how we embed this in our strategy moving forward.
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