If you click the Add Idea Button
Add Idea
You will be taken to a new page that looks like the image below. You need to insert 5 bits of information as follows
- A Title for the Idea. (The top of the page says add New Project – Don’t worry about this). This should be a short sentence that captures your science idea, for example “Farmer Participatory Breeding”. It needs to be short
- A Tagline: A short and catchy slogan that encapsulates the idea
- Champion: This is your idea. Write your name here. By posting an idea, you take responsibility for developing this and incorporating other people’s comments
- Team: Who would need to collaborate to make this happen. Enter the name of a program or specific people
- A short summary of the idea in the text box below
Once you have entered this idea, your idea will appear in the Idea Pool. Other participants can go and have a look at this, make comments and Like the idea.
Once you have put an idea up, it is your responsibility to view the comments and conversation. If you want to incorporate what is being said, you can edit the summary, and update this periodically as the idea evolves.
The idea will therefore grow through comment and your incorporation of comment into the summary. You need to stay on top of this to ensure that your ideas is as complete as possible. On Thursday, the whole day will be spent in conversation around these ideas, and on Friday morning, the “Likes” will be totaled and the top 5 ideas presented at the Friday Morning Coffee session in Nairobi and Addis Ababa.
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