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ILRInet Yammer Group
How to Participate in the Virtual Workshop
- Written by Stuart Worsley
- May 9, 2015 at 11:55 am
The IPM 2015 Workshop is a virtual meeting.Its purpose is to create a list of actionable science ideas that ILRI programs can do together.
First, we look at the work that we do, and create conversations around this work. This is structured around a series of questions that are intended to challenge, and prompt you to think of ideas for new things. In particular, we are looking to stimulate ideas that come from interaction between programs as opposed to ideas from within one program. This is in the belief that there is a lot of opportunity to do important work in spaces that exist between our programs, and that we do not normally see.
This meeting exposes everyone to everything in the hope that the interaction between staff of different programs will generate new ideas that we can then develop, seek money for, and make happen. Ideas will be generated through a 3 module process that will entail presentation, conversation and ideas generation. These ideas will be voted on, documented and presented to the ILRI Management Committee at the 21st and 22nd May meeting.
The modules are as follows:
- Module 1 – Setting the Scene
- Module 2 – Program Presentations: Showing our Stuff; Catching your Eye
- Module 3 – Tying it all Together
To engage with these modules, click the “programs” on the Menu Bar, and this will take you to the Conference Agenda. Your first click will be on Module 1 – Setting the Scene
Module 1 – Setting the Scene
This simply sets things in motion.
- Jimmy offers some thoughts on the importance of the process through a short video. Simply click and listen
- Stuart Worsley explains the workshop process. Simply click and listen.
- Iain Wright presents the Science Strategy for 2014 to 2019. Click, Listen and leave any comments that you have.
Navigation Note: If you want to access key documents, such as the Science Strategy, click on the Menu, and select Conference – Resources
Module 2 – Showing our stuff, catching your eye
This is the heart of the process. On the top menu, click on program. This will take you to the conference agenda. Here you will see all the ILRI Programs listed out, and arranged by day. Please limit yourself to participating in the programs listed for the day.
These are as follows
Within each program, there will be a series of presentations, discussions and ideas generated. The Diagram below shows the flow of presentations, discussions and ideas within the program group
Three offerings are made; one program presentation and two science presentations
Entitled “interrogate to act” participants are encouraged to interrogate the program and science presentations to explore how good the science is, how it enables us to reach what we are aiming for, how it connects with other work we are doing, and where opportunities are arising to create new work through collaboration across programs
From the questions and comments that arise, some ideas will emerge. Program Leaders are asked to be particularly active here to propose ideas, but this is a domain for all to engage in. If, on participating in questioning, or on reading questions, someone is struck by an idea for collaboration, they will be invited to open up an “ideas group”. To do this, they can click on a link to open a form in which they are asked to define a title, a tag line, their name as champion of the idea, and 50 to 75 words that succinctly define their idea. This form will become a page under which participants can offer comments and like. If the champion likes any comments, they can in real time edit their idea definition.
Leaving a Comment
Click on the program you want to engage with. This will take you to a page for that program. Listen to the three presentations and make comments in the “Leave a Comment” section at the bottom of each page. The comments section is the place where you can have a conversation with other people.
There are two ways to leave a comment:
1) Click on Leave a Comment Button like the one below.
This will open up a box in which you can type a comment, and is a comment that relates directly to the presentation.
2) Click on the Reply button that is associated with another comment
This gives you the chance to comment on another comment, in in effect, you engage in a conversation with that person.
Having a Great Idea
During your engagement, you may be struck with a great idea that you think is worth sharing and talking about. When this happens, you should click the Add Idea Button. Your ideas should be a science idea that requires the collaboration of more than one program
This will open up a new page for you. This is a simple form that you should fill in.
Instructions for filling the ideas page are here
All new ideas will appear in the Idea Pool, and everyone is encourage to look at these and comment on them directly. To do this, on the menu bar, Click on Idea Pool under the Idea menu button.
Ideas generated can only grow when people comment on them. Go to the ideas that find appealing, and make comments. If you like the idea, remember to indicate this by clicking on the “Like” button on the idea page.
The Debate Rooms
Some people prefer to meet with other people rather than do this on their own. To accommodate this, debate rooms have been set up so that you can meet face to face for these discussions.
Instructions for the Debate Rooms can be found here
For each program Module 2 event, the following documentation will happen;
What When Delivered Who Program Summary: A summation of all comments made in 1 page: Discussions & recommendations BECA, PTVC – Monday 9.00pm
Vaccine, LSE, ASSP – Tuesday 9.00pm
LGI, FSZ, Animal Biosciences – Wed 9:00pmProgram Leader Science Summary 1: A summation of all comments made in in 1 page: Discussions & recommendations BECA, PTVC – Monday 9.00pm
Vaccine, LSE, ASSP – Tuesday 9.00pm
LGI, FSZ, Animal Biosciences – Wed 9:00pmScience presenter Science Summary 1: A summation of all comments made in in 1 page: Discussions & recommendations BECA, PTVC – Monday 9.00pm
Vaccine, LSE, ASSP – Tuesday 9.00pm
LGI, FSZ, Animal Biosciences – Wed 9:00pmScience presenter All Program Summary: The above three documents in one document of three pages BECA, PTVC – Tuesday 9.00am
Vaccine, LSE, ASSP – Wednesday 9.00am
LGI, FSZ, Animal Biosciences – Thursday 9:00amProgram Leader All Idea Summaries: An expanded ideas form based on the champion’s acceptance of any comments made Thursday 9.00am Champion 1 This means that we will have 9 program summaries detailing comments, recommendations and ideas for collaborative action. Program leaders are expected to have these completed by the start of business on Thursday morning. These summaries will be posted to the site under Resources
Module 3 – Tying it all Together
By the end of Wednesday, we will have an “ideas pool” with about 10 to 20 collaboration based scientific ideas.
On Thursday, two processes will happen
- Further developing ideas in the ideas pool with comments, and voting on those ideas that make the most sense
- Exploring implications for the way that we do things in ILRI as a result of these ideas.
You should visit these on Thursday, and add comments if you are interested. Please “like” those that you think are good ideas that you support. Remember, this is the basis of voting.
On Friday morning, a tally of likes will be taken and the top 5 liked ideas will be selected for announcement at Friday morning coffee in Nairobi and Addis Ababa.
The Implications
The ideas that come out of the programs will have implications on ILRI. Without going into individual specifics, participants will be asked to generally comment on what these might be. Implications may relate to the way we do our science, support our science, structure our institute, relate to stakeholders, manage our processes and much more.
This will be an open page where observations, concerns and recommendations can be defined through comments. You can find this here
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